Proto-Pasta High Temperature Resistant Annealable Carbon Fiber PLA Composite (500 g)
$65.99 $71.99
High Performance, Easy Printing...It's World's Best CF!
Proto-pasta's High Temp Carbon Fiber PLA (HTPLA-CF) combines engineering-grade performance with the ease and eco-friendliness of PLA printing. Since kickstarting the World's First 3D Printable Carbon Fiber PLA and our original High Temp PLA, we've wanted to combine the two for a "super-material". Why is this material "the best"?
Compared to ABS and PET-like materials, HTPLA-CF has:
Easier and more reliable printing
- No heated bed required
- Lower processing temperatures, like standard PLA
- Less warping and distortion when processing
More temperature resistance* for maintaining properties to higher temperatures
- ABS and PET get soft at 80C +/- 10C
- HTPLA-CF maintains properties up to 120C or more (*when annealed)
- Higher strength and better strength-to-weight ratio for stronger parts with less material
- Improved surface hardness for less wear in abrasive environments
- Less shrinkage and distortion for more accurate parts
- Higher stiffness so parts hold their shape
- Renewable biopolymer with low odor
- Highly desirable black finish
Compared to the Original Carbon Fiber PLA, HTPLA-CF has:
- Improved toughness for less breaking when handling and easier processing
- Higher HDT when annealed for maintaining properties to higher temperatures.
- Improved surface hardness for less wear in abrasive environments
- Less shrinkage and distortion for more accurate parts
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